

Question Of Interest: Does junk food advertisements effect the decisions children make on what to eat ?

Hypothesis: Junk food advertisements do affect the decisions children make on what to eat.

Operational Definition: Children decisions affect what they eat. 

Experimental Group: Young kids. From toddlers to the age group of 10. 

Independent Variable: Decisions on eating choices.
Dependent Variable: Final eating choices. 

Preliminary Research:


The person sitting on that pavement floor

     I am writing about the video of the homeless. It was an experiment designed to see how homeless people are looked upon. And it was found that people were not able to even recognize their loved ones sitting there on the street.

In every scenario they ended walking right passed the person who sat on the street floor.  The campaign called
Make them Visible exposed that not even one participant in their study recognized their relatives or partner dressed up as a homeless person that day.

     A number of people were recruited by the campaign and acted as homeless person and their unsuspecting relatives or partners were asked if they would take part in a psychological experiment. Not knowing what the experiment was going to be about. The video of the experiment asks: "Have the homeless become so invisible, we would not notice our own family members living on the street?" before showing how the people recruited were made-up to look as if they were homeless and living on the streets of New York City.

     Then, a hidden camera captured their loved ones walking straight past them. They were blind to notice that their relatives sat on that very same pavement they walked on. One woman's husband walked straight past her not noticing that his beloved wife was the person sitting on that pavement floor. Making her seem invisible, even though he actually looked at her for a quick second. Another participant walked by his very own cousin. Not even noticing her, he  just kept going about his business. When it came to show it was his cousin he simply said “Well I know she’s not homeless, I just hung out with her a few weeks ago”. And its surprisingly seems that the homeless are a blind to one’s eye. They would not even bother to turn and look at the homeless on that very same pavement floor.

     The participants that just walked by were visibly shocked and were full of sorrow when they were informed that the homeless person or persons they ignored were in fact one of their loved ones.  This experiment is a powerful reminder, one that the homeless are human beings, just like us.  They are alone and uncertain of how to deal with the problems we have to face on this earth. And they are someone’s brother, cousin, wife or even their very own mother.